SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2024 2:00-3:30 PM

Community Music School, Trappe, PA 19426

$35, pre-registration required.

For more information, Contact Mary: 215.520.0832 or

Learn a one-minute practice that may improve your child’s posture, breathing, and ease of movement.

Bring a mat and towel if you would like to try the floor work.

Join us today for this fun, interactive workshop!

Alexander Technique(AT) is an innovative learning method that may bring more balance, strength, and ease to your life.

You can learn to:

*transform tension into useful energy

*diminish stress

*enhance fluidity, grace, and poise

*minimize performance anxiety and stage fright

*experience more calm, peace and well-being


Please note: For your health and safety and the health and safety of everyone, several covid-19 precautions are in place for in-person lessons and workshops.

Contact Mary for more information: 215.520.0832.

Everyone is welcome!



*Relaxed, comforting, supportive atmosphere.

*It relieved stiffness in my neck.

*It was very relaxed and I didn’t feel intimidated at all.

*I felt so comfortable and safe & supported.

*Soothing and non-judgmental approach.

*I felt safer in my body than I have in a long time.

*The most surprising thing I learned is that I didn’t have to work so hard.

*Lots of personal attention.


‘Unnecessary tension at the piano, other than contributing to inefficient learning and bad playing, can result in discomfort, irregular breathing, difficulty acquiring velocity, and distracting mannerisms.

I sought Mary McCann for hands-on training in the Alexander Technique hoping to find a way to deal with habits of tension accrued over several years of piano study.

In just a few weeks I began to experience a great deal of positive and welcome change. It is no exaggeration to say that Mary’s training rescued my interest in the piano from slow possible extinction.

I recommend the Alexander Technique without reservation. It is particularly effective under the guidance of a highly-experienced professional instructor like Mary McCann.’

– Jose R. Pardinas, PhD


‘At the Wilma Studio School Open House last night, I watched in semi-amazement as one person after another would glide away from Mary McCann’s…table with the same serene grin on their face. They all seemed amazed by how transformed they were after just 10 minutes with Mary. “I’m so relaxed right now,” “she’s incredible,” and “WOW…” were some of the comments I heard…ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE is an essential component of most actor training programs. Mary McCann has a rare and magical gift.’

  -Anne K. Holmes, Education Director,The Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, PA


‘Through my Alexander technique lessons with Mary, I have learned about the way my body works in a new and radically different way. Mary is a very effective teacher and she employs a very gentle method of working with students which is totally non-invasive but very effective and productive. After a lesson or workshop with Mary, my body is pain-and tension-free and I can move freely and easily, and also take the awareness which I have learned and apply it to all aspects of my professional and personal life.’

-Joanna Mell, Harpist, and Clinical Therapeutic Harpist


‘My first introduction to The Alexander Technique was through Mary McCann and I am so grateful for it! Through her gentle coaxing and “inviting” I found myself becoming increasingly aware of the subtlest adjustments in my body, and with even greater care, was able to control them. McCann nurtured me every step of the way, even if I felt as if I’d fallen back a little. I have applied the techniques she helped me to develop in both my acting and my everyday life. Sometimes, work relating to body is difficult; we each have our physical habits and insecurities, but McCann is so adept at creating an easy, kind environment that I felt perpetually safe to explore freely. Whether your seeking guidance in the physicality of characters, or the achievement of grace through physical understanding, I highly recommend Mary McCann as a successful teacher.’

-Julie G.

Personal workshops and individual lessons are now available in Philadelphia and Collegeville, PA. Online learning is also available.

For more information, contact Mary McCann: 215.520.0832 or